This course aimed at professionals provides knowledge and tools required to sustain your progress in English and be able to express yourself in all kinds of communicative situations.
Starting date: 9th December Ending date: 18th March
Schedule: 13:30-14:30
Duration: 50 hours
Location: Elduaien-Irun. Jose Ramon Agirretxe Alkate Jauna Plaza 1-3
Telephone: 654 51 44 52
This course aimed at professionals provides knowledge and tools required to sustain your progress in English and be able to express yourself in all kinds of communicative situations, as well as improve your English level.
General objective
Be able express yourself orally and in writing in order to communicate with native speakers with ease, spontaneity and reasonable fluency in any situation.
Specific objectives
- Be able to understand the main ideas of complex texts on both concrete and abstract topics, as well as technical texts related to one’s field of professional specialisation.
- Be able to communicate with native speakers with a sufficient degree of fluency
and normality without a great deal of effort required of the interlocutors.
- Be able to produce clear and detailed texts on various subjects, as well as defend
one’s point of view on general topics discussing the advantages and the disadvantages of various options.
- Speak in a clear and in-depth manner on a wide range of topics, as well as explain one’s point of view on a given topic pointing out the advantages and the disadvantages of various options.
- Improve one’s pronunciation.
- Expand one’s vocabulary.
This course will thoroughly review the grammatical content of lower levels of English and amplify it with new structures in order to perform activities and communicative functions consistent with the current level.