Quality policy
Within the framework of its general policy, Elduaien Hizkuntza Eskola has the continuous improvement of all its processes, products and services as a quality management priority objective, for which it has established a Quality Management System in accordance with ISO 9001:2015, through which the management intends to:
- Collect and effectively transmit the specifications of its students, users and other interested and related parties.
- Understand and meet their requirements, either legal or regulatory that are applicable, as well as those that are inferred from their expectations of a leading service in the learning of languages or of technological advances in methods and systems of teaching.
- Practice quality development with suppliers and contractors, promoting the mutual understanding of problems to achieve a continuous improvement in services and supplies.
- Develop processes and provide resources for the integration of the requirements of the management system and, especially, the customer focus in the responsibilities of all staff and contributors in the Academy.
- Drive the carrying out of Internal Audits and the analysis of their results as an element of evaluation and improvement.
- Promote policies of Equality, Non-Discrimination and Employability in its Human Resources, as well as to promote and foster the participation of staff in these policies.
- Establish objectives and apply actions that ensure compliance with the requirements at all levels and functions of the organisation, especially ensuring respect for the privacy of the individuals and groups involved.
- Continuously improve the effectiveness of the Quality System through periodic review.
Besides these strategic objectives, the Academy establishes specific objectives and actions in order to manage risks and opportunities that are presented by relevant analyses and studies.
The attainment of all the aforementioned objectives is, above all, a responsibility of the Management. Consequently, I am committed to providing the human, material and any necessary supporting resources, including the training of staff and contributors in order to comply with this Policy and ensure that it is known, understood and applied at all levels, as well as made available to interested and related parties.
Jose Maria Elduaien
Academy Director
Tolosa 01/09/2023